Successful Finish in a Regional Programming Competition

John Roice Aldeza

Published on May 21, 2024

Tags:TechnologyKey experience
official picture of our programming team

Recently, my team and I had the incredible opportunity to participate in the ACM Programming competition as part of the Mindanao IT Olympiad 2024, hosted by Mapua Malayan Colleges Mindanao. It was a thrilling experience that tested our skills, pushed our limits, and ultimately earned us a proud third-place finish.

Meet the Team

Our team comprised three enthusiastic members: Alexander Vaugn Villasis, Gianne Bacay, and myself. Each of us brought unique strengths to the table, and together, we formed a cohesive unit ready to tackle the challenges ahead.

picture of our programming team

A Different Kind of Programming

While I've been involved in software development for a while, competitive programming is an entirely different beast. Day-to-day development involves long-term projects, careful planning, and extensive debugging. In contrast, competitive programming is about solving complex problems quickly and efficiently under time pressure. It requires a different mindset, one that I don’t usually practice regularly.

The Competition Day

On the day of the competition, the atmosphere was charged with excitement and anticipation. Teams from various colleges and universities across Mindanao gathered at the venue, each hoping to showcase their problem-solving prowess and secure a top spot.

The competition spanned three grueling hours, during which we were presented with a series of challenging problems to solve. Each problem tested different aspects of our programming skills, from algorithmic thinking to efficient coding practices. It was intense, to say the least, but also incredibly exhilarating.

Overcoming Challenges

Throughout the competition, we encountered numerous challenges. Some problems required deep algorithmic insight, while others demanded quick thinking and precise coding. There were moments of frustration when our solutions didn’t work as expected, but those were balanced by the elation we felt when we successfully solved a problem.

Working under such pressure was a new experience for me, but it was also a valuable learning opportunity. I realized the importance of clear communication and effective teamwork. Each member of our team played a crucial role, and our collaboration was key to our success.

Reflecting on the Experience

Securing third place was a proud moment for all of us. It validated our hard work and dedication. But beyond the trophy and the accolades, what I truly cherished was the experience itself. The competition rekindled my passion for programming and inspired me to delve deeper into the world of competitive programming.

I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of solving problems within a limited timeframe. It was a refreshing change from my usual routine and highlighted areas where I could improve. This experience has motivated me to practice more in my free time. Platforms like LeetCode and HackerRank offer a plethora of problems that can help sharpen my skills and prepare me for future competitions.


Looking Ahead

The ACM Programming competition was an eye-opener and a stepping stone. It showed me the vast potential for growth and learning in the field of competitive programming. Moving forward, I plan to dedicate more time to practice and participate in more competitions.

I’m eager to see where this journey takes me. Whether it’s improving my problem-solving skills or simply enjoying the thrill of competition, I know that there’s much to gain. Who knows? Maybe next time, we’ll aim for first place.

In conclusion, participating in the Mindanao IT Olympiad 2024 was a remarkable experience. It challenged me, taught me valuable lessons, and ignited a new passion. I’m grateful for the opportunity and excited about the future. Here’s to many more competitions and the endless pursuit of excellence in programming.


© John Roice Aldeza