First Day of Knowledge Management Class: A Reflection

John Roice Aldeza

Published on August 28, 2024

Tags:Knowledge ManagementUniversityReflection
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Today was our first meeting in Knowledge Management, and I have to say, I was both excited and curious. I didn’t know much about the subject beforehand, but I knew it was about how organizations manage and use knowledge—sounds pretty cool, right?

The Class Meeting from My Point of View

So, I showed up in my "full combat" school uniform, thinking everyone would be dressed the same, but most of my classmates didn’t bother as it's also the wash day for the students of the University. Our professor arrived right on time, setting a punctual vibe from the get-go. He also had this fun rule: anyone late had to do a little performance for the class—not the usual penalty, but it's something I haven't experienced in an undergraduate class before.

Our professor kicked things off by going over the responses from a Google Forms survey we filled out before class. He first mentioned that not all students have answered the survey, and honestly I'm not sure if my submission went through before. However, my doubts are cleared when I found my response on the screen. He clarified some answers and set the expectations straight, which I appreciated because it gave us a clear idea of what we were getting into. Then, he went over the Course Briefer, a rundown that professors seem to do on the first day, but it’s always good to hear.

We wrapped up right on time, and he left us with some food for thought and the task to write this reflection blog. So, here I am, writing it!

What I Learned During the First Meeting

Even though we didn’t dive deep into the actual subject of Knowledge Management today, I did learn something cool about our professor's teaching style. He mentioned that he’s not a fan of written exams and prefers us to do things outside the typical classroom setting. I found that refreshing because, let’s be honest, no one really likes written exams (just kidding, sort of). I think it’ll be interesting to see how this plays out throughout the course.

Moreover, another thing that came up to my mind when he emphasized that he is not a teacher but a facilitator of what we have learned. I guess this would mean that the class would emphasize student-centric learning where we could apply and practice Knowledge Management, rather than having the teacher dish out loads of information that may not be absorbed easily by the students. Practice makes perfect, right?


Overall, I had a great first day. The class was straightforward and our professor's approach seems promising. I’m looking forward to learning more and seeing where this subject takes us!


© John Roice Aldeza